Age of Hinobi



In our inaugural episode, show creators Eric Robles and Dan Milano, and consultant Gabe Swarr, chat about how they created the show, the development process, and then we dive in to watch the show and discuss all the behind the scenes moments.

Social Media

Eric Robles

Instagram @rrrrobles

Twitter @LegitEricRobles


Dan Milano

Instagram @danmilanogtech

Twitter @DanMilano


Gabe Swarr

Instagram @gabeswarr

Twitter @gabe_swarr



Glitch Techs Resources



The Host

Angela Entzminger

Instagram @sketchysoul

Twitter @sketchysoul


1 thought on “Episode 001: Age of Hinobi

  1. Valerie Swarr says:

    We’re so very proud of our son, Gabe! We remember him talking about thosemeetings with Dan and Eric. Gabe said it was great bouncing ideas back and forth with them. We also remember seeing Eric’s office at Nickelodeon…it was totally filled with tons of Ghost Busters stuff!!!! It was amazing!!!
    Cool hearing the Podcast!!!

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